- 節分「本格すし飯」で恵方巻!(西南西)
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- 価格改定のお知らせ「新潟佐渡産コシヒカリ」
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- 2025年1月6日
How to cook rice deliciously (okome)
1.Measure (hakaru)
Heap graduated cup with rice and,using your palm,level off the top the cup.
2.Wash (senmai)
Put the rice into a bowl and add plenty of water.
Gently stir the rice around with your hands once or twice and then immediately drain off the water.
Add more water again and stir the rice some more.
Repeat this action several times.
3.Adjust the amount of water (mizukagen)
When the water remains nearly clear,use a sieve to drain the rice and immediately put it in an electric rice cooker and add water to the proper mark.
The trick to washing rice is to do it within three minutes gently and quickly.
4.Soaking (shinseki/tsukeru)
Please leave the rice at least 30mins (In winter time, leave for an hour) before you switch on a rice cooker.
5.Boil (taku)
Switch on the electric rice cooker.
stir it lightly with a wooden spatula to bring the rice at the bottom up to the top.
6.Finishing (hogushi)
Fluff up the rice from the bottom to the top gently as possible after steaming.
This process removes the extra moisture away and result in a fluffier rice.